Sunday School Classes & Bible Study

Children’s Sunday School ~ Bible stories are shared in an affirming atmosphere and no matter what the age, children can learn “Jesus loves me, this I know.”  Classrooms dependent on child’s age.


The Teen Sunday School Class has a new teacher and a new study.  Rev. Brooke Hilliard is excited for this opportunity to work with the youth.  They meet on the 3rd floor in the youth room.


For the last quarter of this year The New Beginning Sunday School Class will pick up the story begun in the Book of Exodus of the Israelites’ trek toward the land God had promised the patriarch Abraham—the Promised Land. This quarter we’ll be studying the Books of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy which can be more fun than you might expect. This will prepare us to study the book of Joshua in a couple more quarters in which the Israelites actually enter their new homeland. Once they are in the Promised Land a whole lot of good stories open up for study.   We welcome you to join us, especially if you’re not currently in a Sunday School class. This class tries to provide good exposure to Scripture. We also do a quick review of the prior week’s material each week so that those who weren’t there have a good understanding of what we’re covering and don’t feel lost. The Class meets on the Basement Floor, right off the elevator and is led by Dave McCartney.  We’ll begin Leviticus on October 13th.  


Young Adult Sunday School Class will be meeting in the Upper Room.  Hollie Freshour is the facilitator.  There will be a pot of coffee waiting!


The Teen Sunday School Class has a new teacher and a new study.  Rev. Brooke Hilliard is excited for this opportunity to work with the youth.  They meet on the 3rd floor in the youth room.


The Serendipity Sunday School Class will continue to study the weekly sermon scripture until the Advent Season.  We have been able to have great discussions and gain insights into the scriptures as we lend our thoughts to the sermon scripture.  Terry Huff is going to lead the class a few more weeks as Linda Kear enjoys basking in the joy of attending the Sunday School Class.  Thanks to Terry and his assistant, Ann, for helping the class and members keep on their Christian Walk.  Come join us, any/every Sunday.  


The Monday Morning Bible Study meets every Monday at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.